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Reading your eBook

Reading Options: Click the subscribed eBook title from Bookshelf to get the different reading options.

Online Reading:

  1. If the access for the institution is given through IP range, open the eBook site http://eaccess.heart.org.
  2. If the access for the institution is given through a common username login, go to the eBook site http://eaccess.heart.org and login using the common username and password.
  3. You will be redirected to the Library (Bookshelf) page where you will be able to view the subscribed eBooks under institutional account.
  4. Click on Read online link to read the eBook online on your computer.

Offline Reading:

  1. eBook can be downloaded to read offline using AHA eBook Reader.
  2. Open the eBook site using the default browser on the device.
  3. Once you click on download, you will get a screen to download AHA eBook Reader.
  4. Go to the Bookshelf Page and choose the eBook you wish to download.
  5. Click on the download icon or the App logo button.
  6. You will be redirected to the download page.
  7. Click on green arrow button.
  8. Once the file is downloaded, open it with the AHA eBook Reader to read.